
Momentum In 30 Days

Business Coach in Melbourne and Sydney

AbsoluteClarityExpress is a high-intensity quick-start to the Absolute Clarity Coaching Program provided by your business coach in Melbourne or Sydney.

With AbsoluteClarityExpress, we will dig deep into all areas of your business and your motivations over a four to five week period.

It is intensive, with a lot of work to be done by you, but the results are a very clear analysis of every aspect of your business, in a much shorter time frame.

The benefit of this process is that from the beginning of the coaching program we can get very focused on the high payback activities.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Learning With a Business Coach in Melbourne or Sydney

Included in AbsoluteClarityExpress is:

Ø  An intensive Focus Session with you over 4/5 hours to help you get absolutely clear on what you want for your life and how the business can deliver it. This includes detailed questionnaires on your motivations, your personality profile, your supporting beliefs and limiting beliefs, and the fears that may hold you back from achieving your full potential.

Ø  A detailed Business Diagnostic, which analyses each of the key operating areas of the business and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each area.

Ø  A detailed Financial Analysis of the operations of the business with particular focus on cash flows and cash flow generation.

Ø  A detailed analysis of your working style, along with an analysis of your primary motivating factors

Ø  Other specific exercises that we will agree on as the program unfolds

This is what Jim Rohn calls “massive immediate action” but it generates a momentum that can make all the difference to the program.

The coaching program would then commence from the beginning of month 2.

As indicated earlier, there is a lot of work involved, and it is not for the faint-hearted but it is a great program that is so worth the effort and it delivers great results. What an excellent way to kick-start a whole new dimension in vision and expectation for your future.

Make the Decision Today to go for it!


Take these 3 simple steps to increased profits and more freedom

Schedule a call

We discuss your business and come up with a plan that will help you have the increased profits and time freedom you deserve.

Implement the plan

The plan is put into action, we connect a minimum of twice per month and make adjustments as needed.

Success and freedom become real

You get the results you want and start having the life you have been working so hard for.

Absolute Clarity

More Answers - More Money - More time

Absolute Clarity® Communications Pty Ltd 
ABN 84098867657

Suite 55, 7 Eden Park Drive, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113

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